Media For The Community, By The Community
Community media is any form of independent reporting, whose operations are seen as participatory, often relying on community volunteers to produce, present and develop their own news.
Why is community media important?
Yonkers Community media can contribute to the empowerment of civil society in the city of hills.
Community media outlets offer alternative content that may not be available in other media in Yonkers.
For example, it may address local concerns and provide information about local cultures that mainstream media overlook in Yonkers or don’t have the resources to cover.
Community media can also allow different groups: access to media policy-making in Yonkers.
For instance, may help to develop people’s ability to critique the productions and methods of established media organizations, as well as provide the opportunity to develop informed opinions about how Yonkers is covered by those outside of the community.
Community media provides people involved the knowledge needed to create new kinds of participatory processes in the city of Yonkers.
Community media and media development
Community media forms an independent media sector, which is separate from and provides an alternative to commercial out of town media that poorly covers the city of Yonkers.
The idea of participatory communication in community media is to encourage the Yonkers community to take part in the general public discourse, and also to strengthen an internal democratic process by putting decision-making processes in the hands of community members.